Jessica's Friend
Earth (C-137) - 27 residentsLast known location
Earth (Replacement Dimension) - 230 residentsEpisodes featuring this character: 8
This episode went live on December 2, 2013. Others character featured in this episode are: Rick Sanchez, Morty Smith, Bepisian, Beth Smith, Canklanker Thom, Davin, Frank Palicky, Glenn, Hookah Alien, Jerry Smith, Jessica, Mr. Goldenfold, Mrs. Sanchez, Principal Vagina, Summer Smith, Davin, Greebybobe, Pripudlian.
M. Night Shaym-Aliens!
This episode went live on January 13, 2014. Others character featured in this episode are: Rick Sanchez, Morty Smith, Beth Smith, Cynthia, Jerry Smith, Jessica, Kevin, Mr. Goldenfold, Mr. Marklovitz, Prince Nebulon, Stu, Summer Smith.
Rick Potion #9
This episode went live on January 27, 2014. Others character featured in this episode are: Rick Sanchez, Morty Smith, Summer Smith, Beth Smith, Jerry Smith, Beth Smith, Brad, Cronenberg Rick, Cronenberg Morty, Davin, Harold, Jerry Smith, Jessica, MC Haps, Morty Smith, Mr. Goldenfold, Mrs. Sanchez, Nancy, Principal Vagina, Rick Sanchez, Summer Smith, Tammy Guetermann, Davin.
Ricksy Business
This episode went live on April 14, 2014. Others character featured in this episode are: Rick Sanchez, Morty Smith, Summer Smith, Beth Smith, Jerry Smith, Abradolf Lincler, Bepisian, Birdperson, Brad, Cynthia, Jessica, Lucy, MC Haps, Nancy, Revolio Clockberg Jr., Riq IV, Scropon, Slippery Stair, Slow Mobius, Squanchy, Stair Goblin, Tammy Guetermann, Traflorkian, Zeta Alpha Rick, Greebybobe, Trunkphobic suspenders guy, Synthetic Laser Eels, Pripudlian, Giant Testicle Monster.
The Ricks Must Be Crazy
This episode went live on August 30, 2015. Others character featured in this episode are: Rick Sanchez, Morty Smith, Summer Smith, Attila Starwar, Benjamin, Chris, Fulgora, Hunter, Hunter's Father, Jessica, Kyle, Loggins, Mr. Goldenfold, Piece of Toast, The President of the Miniverse, Tree Person, Zeep Xanflorp, Space Cruiser.
Big Trouble in Little Sanchez
This episode went live on September 13, 2015. Others character featured in this episode are: Rick Sanchez, Morty Smith, Summer Smith, Beth Smith, Jerry Smith, Beth's Mytholog, Boobloosian, Coach Feratu (Balik Alistane), Gar Gloonch, Gar's Mytholog, Glexo Slim Slom, Goddess Beth, Ideal Jerry, Jerry's Mytholog, Jessica, Mr. Goldenfold, Principal Vagina, Self-Congratulatory Jerry, Tiny Rick, Toby Matthews, Tophat Jones, Vampire Master, Zarbadar Gloonch, Zarbadar's Mytholog, Vampire Master's Assistant.
Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender
This episode went live on August 13, 2017. Others character featured in this episode are: Rick Sanchez, Morty Smith, Summer Smith, Beth Smith, Alan Rails, Arcade Alien, Bepisian, Calypso, Crocubot, Cynthia, Diablo Verde, Doom-Nomitron, Flansian, Lady Katana, Logic, MC Haps, Million Ants, Nancy, Noob-Noob, Revolio Clockberg Jr., Scrotian, Shimshamian, Stair Goblin, Supernova, Traflorkian, Vance Maximus, Worldender, Greebybobe, Pripudlian.
Rest and Ricklaxation
This episode went live on August 27, 2017. Others character featured in this episode are: Rick Sanchez, Morty Smith, Summer Smith, Beth Smith, Abadango Cluster Princess, Father Bob, Jacqueline, Jessica, Mitch, Mr. Goldenfold, Mrs. Pancakes, Principal Vagina, Stacy, Toxic Morty, Toxic Rick, Tricia Lange, Alien Spa Employee, Little Voltron.